Seminar slide sets, Articles and Webinars
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Business and technical topics

BCS Wiltshire - 2022
- Webinar recording - "Hybrid meetings" - BCS YouTube channel.
- Slide set - "Hybrid meetings".

BCS Consultancy SIG - 2021
- Webinar recording - "Leading mission-critical systems projects" - BCS YouTube channel.
- Slide set - "Leading mission-critical systems projects".

BCS Wiltshire - 2021
- Webinar recording - "Technology and working from home" - BCS YouTube channel.
- Slide set - "Technology and working from home".

BCS Bristol - 2021
- Webinar recording - "Systems infrastructure" - BCS YouTube channel.
- Slide set - "Systems infrastructure".

BCS Consultancy SIG - 2020
- Webinar recording - "Running a consulting business" - BCS YouTube channel.
- Slide set - "Running a consulting business".

BCS Wiltshire - 2019
- Video recording - "Systems performance engineering" (for BCS Edinburgh, August 2018).
- Slide set - "Systems performance engineering".
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OpenVMS topics

Connect Deutschland - 2021
- Slide set - "OpenVMS clusters best practice" - hints and tips for OpenVMS systems and clusters.
- Slide set - "New open source T4 viewer" by Paul Dolan of Feasible IT.

Oracle RDB Forum - 2017
- Webinar recording - "Mission-critical systems with OpenVMS".
- Slide set - "Mission-critical systems with OpenVMS".

OpenVMS Advanced Technical Symposium - 2017
- Slide set - "Designing for performance with OpenVMS (session 234)".
- Slide set - "Why move to VSI OpenVMS ? (session 235)".
- Slide set - "Data networking with OpenVMS (session 237)".

Oracle Rdb Forum - 2016
- Webinar recording - "Planning your migration to VSI OpenVMS".
- Slide set - "Planning your migration to VSI OpenVMS".
- Slide set (Japanese) - "Planning your migration to VSI OpenVMS".
- Translation to Japanese and presentation in Osaka by Akira Yamamoto of HPE.

Connect Deutschland - 2015
- Slide set - "OpenVMS network integration" - LDAP authentication, CIFS file sharing.

OpenVMS technical updates - 2012

OpenVMS Advanced Technical Symposium - 2005
- Slide set - "DECnet-Plus and DECnet over IP".
- White paper - "DECnet-Plus Technical Overview" as published in the HPE OpenVMS Technical Journal V5.
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